Make Your Last Breath Count. Do Everything. Regret Nothing.

Age 41, Female

University Tutor


Sydney, Australia

Joined on 5/1/03

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FoAngel's News

Posted by FoAngel - April 9th, 2015

Today i mourn the sad lost of my bin, that has proudly displayed my NG allegience since the early 2000s. After a freak and tragic accident with a wayward tree branch, Binnie was never able to fully recover for the severe gash he obtained and had to be replaced by Binkey in the wee hours of this morning. Binkey being new would also like to show he's allegience to the tank, but alas i've no NG stickers.

This a cautionary tale, to keep your bins safe from the danger of tree branches and please take a moment out of your day to remember Binnie



Posted by FoAngel - February 12th, 2015

It's been awhile since ive written something here so lets start with a story.

Today one of my work colleagues asked me out, i obliged only because he's been bugging me for months to go somewhere with him. So he's bright idea was to take me to the movies for lunch, not bad there's a few things i wouldnt mind seeing...but no rather than taking hints at my suggestions, he decides he wants to take me to this 50 shades bullshit i told him i didnt want to see it because lets be honest since the books were shit how is the movie going to make it better. 

But then he says "well i already brought the tickets so....", (so in short i was movie raped?! maybe?)

Then one of my pet peeves is people talking through movies, granted i didnt want to watch it but considering i was already there i might as well listen to the bullshit. He kept saying at every sex scene "man i wish i had a chick like that....that submissive stuff looks fun", granted Dakota Johnson has an amazing body and that made the movie somewhat bearable, (ive never been one to shy away from sexiness on screen), but this is the problem i have, having a BDSM background myself, what they're doing isn't true BDSM so the fact that when people watch this movie they get the false idea of what BDSM is about annoys the shit out of me. 

So now that i've bored you with a story, i have one final question. I am not the most gentle person so i need a nice way to let the guy down, because even though he fucked up i still have to work with him


Posted by FoAngel - January 20th, 2011

....so goddamn fucken special

P.S. Minecraft is awesome


Posted by FoAngel - August 17th, 2010

Make it interesting!!


Posted by FoAngel - April 1st, 2010

Pretty exctied found a bamboo fun small 4x6 wacom tablet online for like $120......which isnt too bad, i was checking out the wacom website and that Cintiq21 is beautiful....but for $2k.....no way.

so hopefully now i can get remotivated to do some flashes....yay for me.

Also below is the cute little baby that will be in the post shortly =3.

Ordered My Wacom Tablet Today =3


Posted by FoAngel - March 8th, 2010

Today marked possibly the best day of my life......(other than the first time i had sex which is another story for another time)......Today i finally got Final Fantasy XIII.

No why is this so monumental, you say?

Well because i pre-ordered it i got a totally awesome FFXIII 2010 calendar =3. Also as it is my 6th month anniversary...my boyfriend was going to buy it for me....so then i wouldve had two...but even i thought that was a little excessive. So he got my Saints Row 1, Gears of War 2 and Prototype!.

I do believe i am going to be deliriously happy all day =3.

The Best Day Evaaaaar!


Posted by FoAngel - January 26th, 2010

After much procrastination and pestering people later...i've finally joined xbox live......ive found a new love for Gears of Wars i'd accomplished most of the achievements before........but now each one can be displayed for all to see!......so i'm going through getting them again XD. My gold membership card should be coming along this week sometime......so the question is.

Who has the best method of getting the xbox live related achievements? And does anyone wanna help me get em?


Are you bored yet? Well here is a look at my Gamertage enjoy =3



Posted by FoAngel - September 29th, 2009

i created my first piece of artwork for the art portal. out of boredom at work.

arent you proud!



Posted by FoAngel - August 18th, 2009

Whilst working on-site today i came to the shocking and somewhat arousing realisation that i hvae become a fangirl of the PowerEdge T300 Server, the processing power of this baby is FAN-BLOODY-TASTIC!!!!!!. (please refer to pic below for said awesomeness).

This beauty is spec'd to perfection for what we want it to do. (granted it's only one of a few things that dell gets right >:( ).

In short this is a cream-ya-pants worthy machine if you ever see it in action. i had the honour of installing it.....and i think i have discovered what human-machine sex feels like =3 (vibrators and other battery/electrical operated toys arent included.)

k thx bai

And now enjoy the sexiness =3

FoAngel = Dell Fangirl


Posted by FoAngel - March 12th, 2009

I could think of anything exciting to say so here is my xfire profile........and i found more interesting games to play XD

FoAngel found herself a new addiction!

Time for a new news post!