Why does Malachy always know the right thing to say? :-(
Make Your Last Breath Count. Do Everything. Regret Nothing.
Age 41, Female
University Tutor
Sydney, Australia
Joined on 5/1/03
Why does Malachy always know the right thing to say? :-(
Because i pay him well, but you know i love you too!
Im liking the outlook of this so far
Shut up and git nakid!
I've been nakid all day for you!
Cant i just put my clothes back on!
While that may indeed be true, I would prefure you in the nude.
I promiss I will treat you well my sweet angel!
Lol kids are growing into gentleman these days
Who knew
No, or else your ovaries would go out your body, in a newly-made pouch made with your crotch skin. Your vagina would seal itself and your clitoris would grow 8 inches long. So, in fact, you would become a man.
Id had my very own peepee?
interesting.......very interesting
Are you laughing?
You're in too deep - keeping lying!!
Keeping with the real doggie g
Yeah, that's great..."keeping lying".
I speaka da english good.
It's ok with me you wont be talking much
guess what!
GGGUUUEEESSS WWWHHHAAATTT!!!5437534678!!(*#$^@$*h
Well, nevermind.
you suck crackrocks
LOL!!! women= evil.. maybe thats y guys like. *Waits eagerly for a test on me*
Lol you're waaaaaaaaaay to awesome to trick i should try it on Tuna though
Urenal, urenal, on the wall,
Why didn't I, just take a stall?
As I stood I passed some gas,
I shot out a turd, right from my ass.
Best v-day present ever!
why come clean when you can carry the guilt for the rest of your life?
Lol im conflicted as to whether i should.....
have you come to clear my concious?
How come you close your eyes when we make love
I guess i cant lie now.....
Im actually thinking about MissingNYC......I like my men latin
No Wai!
Must sure you keep the exits clear
For you always
Ah what IS a lie?
The Truth is such an elusive creature for humans are deceitful creatures, far easier for us to hide the truth than to actually be honest. Ingrained in us it becomes reaction, some don't even know when they lie. Then you have the issue of trust....but I digress
Imo have your fun with the lies and get naked too because then your having an orgasm of fun, shame those don't last very long....
So deep and so very true
im considering changing my mind on this matter.
coming clean shows you are weak and not worthy of mercy. Show strength, punch them in the face and preserve your dominance in the group dynamics.
You always know the right things to say!